Rhode Island Lighthouses

  Sassafras Point Light  

Sassafras Point Lighthouse Keepers

1872 - 1909

 Lighthouse Keepers   Annual Salaries Dates Appointed
 Lorenzo Clark  $160.00  January 25, 1872
 Lorenzo Clark *  $320.00  July 11, 1872
 C. H. Salisbury **    
 John Whittemore  $400.00  December 10, 1872
 Edward Beard  $400.00  May 26, 1873
 Samuel D. Heard  $400.00  September 2, 1873
 Edward P. Hoxsie (acting)  $400.00  July 31, 1882
 William Dunwel  $550.00  October 4, 1882
 Patrick Fitzpatrick (acting)  $550.00  April 2, 1886
 John J. Mullen (acting)  $500.00  March 28, 1892
 Wm. Tengren  $550.00  April 20, 1886
 John J. Mullen  $500.00  September 14, 1887

*Clark became the keeper for Fuller Rock Lighthouse and Sassafras Point Lighthouse.

**Salisbury was the Pomham Rocks Lighthouse Keeper and also served temporarily as the Fuller Rock Lighthouse Keeper, from November 12, 1872 to December 9, 1872.

View pages of Sassafras Point Lighthouse Keeper's Names from Register of Lighthouse Keepers, 1845 - 1908

Keepers 1872 Keepers 1872 - 1873 Keepers 1873 - 1886 Keepers 1882 - 1887 Keepers 1886 Keepers 1905 - 1908

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